Program & Curriculum

* Arakelyan Family Child Care provides breakfast, lunch and p.m. Snack for the children

* For infants, parents are responsible to provide formula.

* As a parent please inform us about your child’s allergies or special dietary needs.

* As a parent it is your responsibility to provide us with diapers and wipes, but if you 

   would like we can provide it for an extra $50 fee per month.

* As a parent it is your responsibility to maintain a spare set of clothing in your child’s 

   cubby or you can bring a diaper bag with all their needs on a daily basis. If you prefer

   to leave a set of spare clothing, make sure it is your child’s current size.

* We welcome any support that you, as a parent, may have concerning holiday activities

   or activities which reflect cultural diversity.

* Please feel free to request a conference with us to discuss any concerns you may have.

* Every month there will be a newsletter, which will be posted on our parent bulletin board.

* We welcome kids of any ethnicity and children with any special needs.

* The curriculum in our room is built around strengths, needs and interests of the individual

   child, and we as the teachers are knowledgeable about child development.

* We use the information regarding what is age appropriate, and customize our room to 

   what is individually appropriate.

* Our room equipments and materials are arranged and designed to clearly define areas of

   interest for the individual children.


* We Believe:

    * In providing an environment that promotes learning.

    * In providing activities based on children’s interests, development skills, culture and


    * The focus of the curriculum must come from the children.

* Some of the skills that the children are acquiring in the learning center is:

    * Communication skills

    * Social skills

    * Observation skills

    * Listening skills

    * Literacy skills

    * Ability to deal constructively with emotions

* Emergencies:

    * The Arakelyan Family Child Care is equipped with smoke detectors, a fire alarm  pull,

       and a fire extinguisher.

    * We conduct regular fire and earthquake drills once every year.

    * In the event of fire and other emergency our plan is to evacuate to Daniel Webster

       Elementary School located at 2101 E Washington Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91104. The 

       contact number is (626) 396-5740.

* Alternate Provider (Back-Up)

    * In the event that we won’t be able to provide care for your child, there will be an

       alternate, certified provider who will provide care for your child or children.